Game On: A Comprehensive Overview Of Video Game Therapy Power Up Your Mental Health: An In-Depth Review of Video Game Therapy

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Once disregarded as an idle pastime, video games are gradually gaining recognition as legitimate therapies for mental health, offering a variety of potential treatments for various conditions. Though a wide variety of titles, consoles, and platforms exists, the real power lies in learning how to reap the psychological rewards from gaming.

Studies and Results Power Up Your Mental Health: An In-Depth Review of Video Game Therapy

A research study conducted by the University of York investigated the effects of gaming on mental health. Results indicated that the participants self-reported a decrease in stress and depression after playing video games. Other studies discussed the effect video games have on treating various psychological disorders such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and social phobias. The evidence from these studies showed that video games have a positive impact on reducing stress, anxiety, and depression.

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Criticisms Power Up Your Mental Health: An In-Depth Review of Video Game Therapy

Despite its potential to help with various mental health problems, there are some criticisms that arise with the use of video games as a form of therapy. Game addiction is a concern, as certain titles may require extended gameplay to gain lasting effects. Another is the potential for violence that some games can have, as well as the fact that it does not have the same physical activity as psychotherapies for more traditional treatments.

Tips for Finding the Right Games Power Up Your Mental Health: An In-Depth Review of Video Game Therapy

When considering gaming as a form of therapy, it can help to look for titles with certain attributes that will help promote mental wellbeing. Look for titles with storylines and characters that promote positive emotions and that contain creative challenges. Making sure the gaming environment is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable can also help to maximize the positive effects. Additionally, consulting a professional and having a professional game counsellor to guide you through the therapeutic process can be beneficial in some cases.

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The Verdict Power Up Your Mental Health: An In-Depth Review of Video Game Therapy

Video game therapy is a potential way to treat a range of mental health issues with promising results, however it is important to keep in mind that games should only be used as a supplementary form of treatment to traditional psychotherapies. There are games available for a variety of platforms, with new titles released each year, but it is still best to consult a psychiatrist or counsellor before deciding if video game therapy is the right fit for you.

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